Erin Soto is a motivational speaker, best selling author, wellness activist and cancer survivor. Upon receiving her life-changing diagnosis, and throughout her treatment and recovery, Erin dedicated herself to making meaningful and sustainable changes to improve her physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
With her personal experiences in hand, she is now committed to helping others take charge of their health. She created an online fan base by crafting raw and honest accounts of her journey and evolution of life well lived beyond cancer through her health and wellness website and popular online programs.
Her debut book, The Mother of All Fights is a number one best selling book on cancer and mind-body connection.
Erin established her own inspirational clothing line of awareness apparel featuring positive affirmations. She uses a portion of the proceeds from her shop to gift care bags directly to cancer patients.
She regularly speaks at hospitals, wellness centers and corporations. Media features include various podcasts, print publications and television: USA Today, NBC, Fox News, CBS, Thrive Global, and Orange Coast Magazine.
As an advocate in the fight against disease, Erin inspires countless people to reclaim their health and happiness by improving lifestyle practices and learning to live with greater intention and meaning.
Erin lives in Rancho Mission Viejo, California with her husband, four children, dog, cat, bearded dragon, and leopard gecko. Her greatest joy in life comes from being with her family. When all six of of them are together, things may be happy, loud and/or a bit wild. They are often fondly referred to as the Sotos Locos!
My story has an unexpected beginning...
The last thing I expected to receive in my 37th year was a Stage 3 cancer diagnosis🎗. I had been living the average life of a busy, overly committed mom and wife when the illness began to ravage my body, steal my identity, and damage almost everything that I held dear.
In November of 2019, I underwent surgery to remove a 2-inch tumor and six inches of my sigmoid colon, then a year of grueling chemotherapy and cancer treatment.
After wrangling with tremendous grief, fear, and heartbreak, I discovered that the best way to find meaning again would be through embracing whatever life I had left. This would require traveling to new depths with myself.
What I discovered transformed my life
I believe that in order to treat disease we must treat the whole person; mind, body and spirit. Mindset is the greatest form of medicine there is.
My wake-up call inspired me to take better care of myself and family
My cancer diagnosis sparked a burning desire in me to become an active participant in my well-being journey. I embarked on a wellness revolution to reclaim control over my health and happiness. I had walked hard paths before and was intent on walking this one, too, while setting an example for others along the way. I set myself an aggressive goal. One bigger than crushing cancer.
I was going to use this experience as an opportunity to get deeply present with my life, connect with my body, and engage with the world.
Of course, my family was my greatest reason for living, and while cancer sucks, I believed in my strength and capabilities. And so, I made a promise to them, and myself, that I was going to do everything in my power to survive.
More importantly, I realized that I could do all of this despite the chaos surrounding me.
In the early surge of the pandemic, and shortly after my 11th round of chemotherapy during my weakest state of health, I became one of the first cancer patients with coronavirus to be admitted to the hospital where I was treated. I was told it was a miracle that I survived. I have since regained my strength and was pronounced cancer-free!
I am so thankful that my family and I were able to survive my cancer crisis. It taught me so much about prioritizing self-care and living my life to the fullest and now I am committed to helping others take power over their own health and happiness.
Integrative care is key
When it comes to survival, I, for one, was not willing to risk life and death by placing all my bets on just one team. I did my research and found ways to back up my medical team’s work. I wanted to give myself the best chance, and I knew there could be ways I could help the process. I concluded that it is best to treat the whole person rather than just treating the disease. Self-care is a form of healthcare.
My doctors were hard at work treating my cancer while I was busy completing the inner work I believe was behind the root cause. Integrative healthcare is the term used for coordinating non-mainstream and mainstream elements to provide holistic treatment. This form of fighting disease bridges together the best of both worlds. In other words, you can use these complementary therapies together to build upon all else you are also doing in terms of your conventional medical care.
I discovered common themes and best practices cancer survivors the world have successfully used and attribute to supporting their recovery. These actionable steps can also be used as preventative measures against many forms of disease development and to improve quality of life.
Putting all the power of your healing into the hands of one team, whether that team is conventionally trained or holistically focused, is narrowing your odds, in my view. Why not use both? Why not pack your team with as many experts in as many areas as possible? I was willing to believe in the expertise of others and boost my already strong treatment team. I suggest you do the same. Find what works for you and create a power squad to help you heal.

Where YOU come into the story
I want you to know that you are not alone in the messy work of seeking meaning in your life, and I want for you to live yours wildly free and on purpose. If I can pull all of the above off, just imagine what you can do. The key will be to believe in yourself as much as I do.
My mission is to use everything I've learned and help the next one in line. I teach others how to take charge of their health & power. It is my honor to encourage, support, and cheer for you along the way. I run a mission-driven business that serves my community and makes me feel all the warm and fuzzy feels each and every day.
My Living Well Inner Circle (+LINK) is my roadmap for healthy living. I’ve taken all the education I’ve gathered over the years and packed it all into this online program. The best part is, as I continue to learn and grow, we get to share in this journey together as an actively engaged community of like minded wellness enthusiasts. Anyone interested in prevention and patients facing health issues have all proudly hopped onboard to learn how to better care for themselves embarking on a self-care journey.
My No. 1 Best Selling Book (on Cancer and Mind-Body Connection) has resonated with thousands of health enthusiasts and wellness seekers. Cancer, crisis, or not, if you want to discover simple habits of health that will radically improve your overall well-being (and joy), then my new book, The Mother of All Fights, is for you! Within these pages, I divulge everything that cancer taught me about living a full and vibrant life.
What you’ll come to notice, if you haven’t already, is that cancer was my greatest teacher
When facing down our fragility, it teaches us so many lessons about what it means to truly live. If you only get one chance to live in this big, beautiful world, wouldn’t you want to spend time exploring how to get more out of your life?
Embracing it? Challenging it? Learning from it? Yep, me too.
I want to share with YOU the lessons cancer has taught me so that you can notice the lessons your own life is trying to teach you.
Some may match mine, some may differ, but we can take this journey together. We can learn together. We can create our best selves together. Whether you or a loved one are personally impacted by cancer or you simply want to seek inspiration from the miraculous story of a survivor whose lessons about life will support and empower you on your own ~ you are in the right place.
I’d really love to connect with you. The best places to reach with me are in my Living Well Inner Circle and the comments section on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter! Every week I create a selection of my best life tips, advice, articles and recipes that I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy. Sign up below!